Announce: Proposal to incorporate GNHLUG

Ted Roche tedroche at
Wed Oct 12 09:36:00 EDT 2005

At the recent Summer Summit, interested activists discussed many  
possible futures for GNHLUG.


We agreed that one of the most important guiding principles is that  
we should continue to make GNHLUG a welcoming organization, with no  
hassle to attend meetings, no pressure to "join" or ask for any  
monetary "dues" or "membership fees." It's important to all of us, I  
think, that GNHLUG continue to be a casual place where folks  
interested in Linux or Free/Open Source Software can gather and  
learn, at no cost.

We talked a lot about what GNHLUG is, or should be, and came up with  
this simple summary: The purpose of GNHLUG is to educate and foster  
acceptance of Linux and FOSS. GNHLUG provides an infrastructure for  
motivated volunteers to teach, offer support, hold meetings, answer  
questions in email and in person and to advocate for Linux and FOSS.  
In a sense, GNHLUG doesn't "do" anything: it just provides the  
structures and networks off of which volunteers can hold their projects.

As part of that infrastructure, we already have mailing lists  
(thanks, Mark and Bruce!), a wiki (thanks Ben and Bruce), meetings  
(thanks Ken, Rob, David, Guy and Bill^2!), a cadre of former Fearless  
Leaders (maddog, Bruce, Jerry, Rob, Paul and David) and a bunch of  
one-off volunteer operations like LinuxWorld, Hosstraders and  
Software Freedom Day. Go, us!

Several of the activists feel that we can offer more to the group if  
we establish GNHLUG as a legal entity, a registered non-profit  
organization. First, it will secure the name "Greater New Hampshire  
Linux User Group" against infringement from others. Second, GNHLUG  
will have the ability to work with companies that might be interested  
in sponsoring GNHLUG events and promotions (many of these really need  
to see a 501(c)-something status). Finally, we may be able to raise a  
little money by accepting tax-deductible contributions, sponsorships  
or grants for projects beyond our ability to "pass the hat" to fund  
projects that require printed materials, give-aways, or rented booth  

Creating a legal entity does mean that there will be a bit more  
paperwork involved. The group will get an EIN and have to file state  
and federal returns, establish a bank account, appoint a treasurer,  
etc. There will need to be some oversight, and people will need to  
step forward and agree to be legally responsible for the group.  
Clearly, as part of setting up such an organization, we will need to  
agree to rules for dissolving the legal entity, included in the  
bylaws and NH application form. We'll need to ensure some oversight,  
and tighten up some rules on electing officers and passing the torch  
from one to another.

It's a pain in the neck, but the volunteers I've spoken with seem to  
be willing to take up the project. No one joins a user group to  
debate parliamentary rules, but establishing some structure will  
result in a stronger group in the end, in my opinion.

And most importantly, those folks who just want to wander in to a  
meeting and learn a little about Linux, or those just out for a beer  
and to tell a few war stories, should not be affected in any way. I  
do not want to change the experience of what GNHLUG is, I just want  
it to be open to more opportunities.

I did a little research on the topic and posted my notes here:

The documents for proposed bylaws and NH registration are here:

So, let's have a discussion. Many members bring a wealth of  
experience to GNHLUG. Please share your insights, comments,  
criticisms and ideas. The only rule I'd suggest is that we maintain  
some decorum: attack the idea and not the messenger. Let's keep the  
discussion on-topic.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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