NIS, automounting, Solaris and headaches

Mark Komarinski mkomarinski at
Mon Sep 9 11:46:49 EDT 2002

Is anyone successfully using NIS and automounting to distribute shares
from an NIS server to clients?  I did it a few years ago, but the
spiders and rocks seem to have taken up residence in that part
of my brain.

The best I've been able to find now, to be fair, is a big 'ol
kludge.  The automounter uses /- as a base, then creates symlinks
to the locations that users expect the directories to be at.

So, a map that looks like:

/nmr/people	-rw	foobar:/nmr/people

Winds up being mounted as /-/+nmr+people with a symlink to (from)

Not only is this an organizational nightmare, but I have to modify each
Linux client to use this.  With the number of Linux clients I hope to
deploy in the next few months, it will be a lot of work.  Plus you
can never know when an update from RHAT or Debian will blow away the


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