Debian install challenge...

Ken Ambrose kena at
Thu Sep 26 22:38:38 EDT 2002

Okay, folks: I formatted my RH 7.3 system today, and installed Debian.
Went to try a few installs, and a bunch of stuff (like, say, "man", fer
Pete's sake) gets pissed because I can't install msttcorefonts.  I know
about the licensing bit, and MS taking them down from their site.  Thus,
the challenge:

- I've noticed that the fonts are at Sourceforge, in raw executable form.
- I know that some people were going to find alternatives to the MS fonts.

What should I do?  I have -no- idea how to modify the apt-get process to
pull down and install the fonts from Sourceforge, and Google (both regular
search and groups) has been of no use.  As for alternatives, I've found




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