OT: Good (but probably controversial) tune

Erik Price eprice at ptc.com
Thu Mar 20 17:14:06 EST 2003

Kevin D. Clark wrote:
> pll at lanminds.com writes:
>>So why are you not filtering on 'Subject.*[Oo][Tt]\s*:' ?
> If Mike did this, he would have missed out on Eric Price's "[OT] help
> w/ bitwise comparison operators" thread, which I think is sufficiently
> interesting to be discussed on this mailing list.

Thanks for the support!  But, as I watch this question sink 
unacknowledged into the archives of the Java help forums,  I'm beginning 
to suspect that there's no mental shortcut for & or | or ^, that it has 
to be done out by hand or computed.  Which I'm not looking forward to 
WRT the exam....   :(


PS: someone did mention that ~x (bitwise NOT of x) can be represented as
     -x - 1
which is good to know.

PPS: actually my close-bracket would have failed the regex.  But point
taken ;)

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