Debian to cease inclusion of non-free?

Randy Edwards redwards at
Fri Feb 27 13:07:50 EST 2004

Michael ODonnell wrote:
> Debian fans may be distressed by the folowing proposal:

    This has come up on my DebianHelp site 

    As noted in the article:

"How would this change affect Debian users? Very little. Read on for more 
information.  Bruce Perens has already registered the domain for 
the purposes of distributing non-free sofware packaged for Debian. If this 
GR passes, Debian users who wish to continue using non-free software need 
only change their sources.list from
deb stable main contrib non-free
deb stable main contrib
deb stable non-free

> ...and in case you think no interesting packages fall
> under the "non-free" classification, here's what I've
> grepped (though I'm sure TMTOWTDI) from the non-free

    There's no reason to grep -- Debian includes vrms, the "Virtual Richard 
M. Stallman" program. :-)  As you probably guessed, it'll give you a listing 
of all of your installed non-free Debian packages.

  Regards, | "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket
  .        | fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who
  Randy    | hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not
           | clothed." -- US President Dwight D. Eisenhower

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