SPAM and procmail

Brian Chabot brian at
Wed Jan 14 11:30:11 EST 2004

Brian wrote:
> For anyone interested... It seems that a lot of spam is starting to slip
> through Spam Assassin again.

I've had some pretty good luck using a combination of server and client 
spam filters.

On the server side I've been using Spam Bouncer and 
since it came out I've used Mozilla's built-in junkmail filter.  95% of 
the time between the two, I don't see much spam.

Also on the server, I have a cron job that updated Spambouncer from it's 
FTP site and extracts the new files.  A couple links and a decent 
procmailrc and voila - constantly up to date spam filters... well, at 
least as up to date as spambouncer gets.

In Mozilla, it takes about 2 weeks to teach the filters what is spam and 
the spammers have to be really creative to get past this... and when 
they do, I just mark it as junk and it's gone along with anything like it.

Next time I have a new mail server to play with, I'll probably play with 
Spamassassin, possibly in addition to what I'm using now.

"But I don't want *ANY* spam!"

(The other) Brian

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