local OSS/FS evangelism?

Matt Oquist moquist at css.tayloru.edu
Wed Jan 14 15:52:24 EST 2004


I'm looking to start or join a group interested in promoting OSS/FS
awareness and usage in local government and other non-profit
organizations in Nashua and the surrounding area.

After looking around online a bit and contacting a couple people, I've
been led to you.  I see you've already had some discussions about how a
LUG should/n't be involved in promoting OSS and FS in general
is anyone here aware of a more general group that is doing (in this
area) what I've described?

If not, is anyone from the LUG interested in being part of one?  I'm
really looking for two things:

1. people to be in the group with me, share knowledge, contacts, time,
   etc.  (or a group of such people for me to join)
2. a group with a more general name than "Linux Users' Group"
   - The name is important.  I don't want to turn people off if they
     happen to have had a bad experience or heard something bad about
     Linux itself; there is a lot of other OSS/FS that is of very high
     quality and potentially helpful (and cheaper!) for these people.
     Maybe this isn't the best place to say it...but for places that
     need firewalls I might even recommend OpenBSD sometimes.  :-)
   - The point here is that I think if there isn't already a group like
     this, a group separate from the LUG should be formed for this

I'm interested in active involvement, where group members contact local
gov't and non-profits to offer free consultation and possibly even some
degree of training if necessary.

The current project with Nashua Public Library is exciting - that's the
sort of thing I'm interested in doing with schools and other orgs as

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?  Is anyone interested in helping

Matt Oquist

603-881-3808 (home)

randomly selected sig:
Is gharsley.
--Ogden Nash, "Further Reflections on Parsley"

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