Attempt at cgi mail exploit

Jason Stephenson jason at
Wed Aug 31 22:56:02 EDT 2005

The funny thing, to me,  is that I see stuff like this in my mail logs 
all the time, both at my day job and at home:

2005-08-30 00:20:36 SMTP protocol violation: synchronization error 
(input sent without waiting for greeting): rejected connection from 
H=[] input="POST / HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Type: 
text/plain\r\nContent-Length: 833\r\n\r\nRSET\r\nHELO\r\nMAIL 
FROM:<account at server>\r\nRCPT TO:<account at server>"

(I changed the email addresses to protect the [not so] innocent.)

Apparently, someone learned to program HTTP and figures everything is a 
web server....Not so clever hackers. (And, yes that is coming in on port 

BTW, trying to exploit cgi mail programs is an old trick. I've seen 
failed attempts at posting to common cgi mail programs on my server for 
ages. What's funny is that I use my own, custom contact form and cgi 
(written in C, no less). It only sends email to me, and it requires that 
all fields be filled out. The reason it's funny is that I've taken the 
name of a common cgi mail program, swapped the first and second 
syllables of the name, and removed the file extension (which is 
meaningles on *NIX anyway). Of course, no one has ever used it to send 
me mail, except for myself during testing. :(

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