automount on debian help

Michael ODonnell michael.odonnell at
Fri Mar 18 15:05:01 EST 2005

> That seems really unlikely; autofs (automounter) and amd are two
> different methods of accomplishing the same thing...  It would be
> strange to be using both at the same time.  autofs is generally
> considered to be the better of the two, so chances are that's what
> you're using, not amd.

Although I'd agree it's an unnatural act, it's not unheard of for
both to be running - my current workplace is the second one where
I've see such weirdness.  We're officially an autofs-oriented
shop but we're running ClearCASE and the automounted-VOB trickery
relies on amd.  It seems like somebody ought be be able to sit down
and get ClearCASE to work with autofs but I don't think it'd be easy...

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