now I did it ..

Derek Martin invalid at
Sat Mar 19 17:34:00 EST 2005

On Sat, Mar 19, 2005 at 03:45:39PM -0500, Neil Joseph Schelly wrote:
> On Saturday 19 March 2005 10:33 am, you wrote:
> > >Just for kicks, what is the output for this command then?
> > >ls -l /dev/cdrom /dev/sr0 /dev/scd0
> > lrwxrwxrwx ? ?1 root ? ? root ??3 2005-03-15 17:59 /dev/cdrom-> sr0
> > brw-r-----    1 root     disk      11,   0 2003-09-23 13:59 /dev/scd0
> > brw-------    1 mikem    disk      11,   0 2003-09-23 13:59 /dev/sr0
> That's a bit odd there...  I assume your username is mikem, but it's odd that 
> the device would be owned by you if you didn't specifically set it that way - 

It's not odd at  all:

  [ddm at mercury ddm]
  $ ls -l /dev/cdrom /dev/hdc /dev/scd0
  lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root     8 Mar 13 16:46 /dev/cdrom -> /dev/hdc
  brw-------  1 ddm  disk 22, 0 Feb 23  2004 /dev/hdc

Linux has various software, such as PAM modules, which change the
owner of devices commonly used by users.  Most commonly, a PAM module
called pam_console is utilized to change these ownerships when a user
logs in on the consloe or an X session running on the local display.
This allows such users to access these devices securely, without
risking exposure of sensitive data which might be on those devices to
other users.

> do you recall playing with these files' permissions before?
> Anyway, this ought to correct matters... as root:
> # chown root /dev/sr0
> # chmod 664 /dev/sr0
> # chmod 664 /dev/scd0
> # ln -sf /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrom
> # adduser mikem disk

I would advise against doing that, particularly if other users are
able to access the system remotely, as it will allow them to read
whatever is on the CD.  If you ever mount sensitive data on the CD, it
will be susceptible to being intercepted.  If your system is strictly
accessible only by you, this may not matter, but it is bad practice
and totally unnecessary.

On the up side, if you did take these actions, pam_console /should/
fix them for you after you log out...

See the man pages for pam_console(8), console.perms(5), and maybe
console.apps(5) for details.

What IS odd is that with those permissions, he wasn't able to access
the CD via konqueror.  Mike, I /now/ suspect that your KDE Sound
settings to be at fault here.  Your system seems to prefer /dev/sr0,
which is odd in my experience, but should work fine.

However, your KDE settings, IIRC, were set to "choose device
automatically."  It may be trying to use /dev/scd0, which you don't
have permissions to use, because it's owned by root.

If you change this explicitly to /dev/sr0, it may work again...

Derek D. Martin   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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