Preserving systems (was: recovering FC3 from a bad superblock)

Benjamin Scott dragonhawk at
Mon May 30 13:12:01 EDT 2005

On May 24 at 9:40am, Tom Buskey wrote:
> I dream of being able to swap a machine under a windows user w/o them 
> transfering data or redoing configuration.  ...  It was literally only a 10 
> minute downtime for the user.

   I've got this set-up at my current job, and it was something we set-up for 
customers at my last job.  It works reasonably well, provided that your 
software is all compatible (it often isn't) and you have the funds to buy all 
the licenses to support it.  But man, all that finagling with Active 
Directory, GPOs, roaming profiles, folder redirection, offline files, etc., 
etc., is just such an incredible hassle compared with the simple elegance of 
*nix with a networked home directory.

Ben <dragonhawk at>

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