Recommendations for C++ sourcecode analysis tools

Steven W. Orr steveo at
Mon Apr 3 21:55:01 EDT 2006

On Monday, Apr 3rd 2006 at 17:27 -0400, quoth Michael ODonnell:

=>>If you want a tool from that class, my fave is idtools. Way superior.
=>Never heard of it.  I'll try it in my Copious Spare Time.

It comes with a tool called mkid which scans a directory hierarchy. It 
knows about a lot of different languages because it has a different 
scanner for each language. mkid produces as output a bitmap of all 
symbols' references and definitions. Then it comes with a a bunch of 
access tools that each in id.

gid (as in grep id) knows what lines and what files to find the refs.
eig just lists the files
aid produces the filenames with a degree of approximation as to how the 
arg is spelled, 

Very useful

steveo at syslang dot net TMMP1
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