how to list file and sort by filename using ls

Ben Scott dragonhawk at
Mon Apr 24 21:13:01 EDT 2006

On 4/24/06, Paul Lussier <p.lussier at> wrote:
> No matter how many man pages you read, or web sites you click on
> resulting from googling this porblme, the only thing which will help
> is setting LANG=C the way K&R meant things to be.

  Heh.  I sympathize.  I too pine for the days when everything was
ASCII and characters could fit into a 7-bit byte and things were
simple.  Those days are rapidly passing.  There are billions of people
in the world whose language won't fit nicely into ASCII, and they want
to use the Internet, too.

  We live in interesting times.

-- Ben

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