SLUG (UNH) meeting notes for Mon 9 Jan 2006 - Plone CMS

Ted Roche tedroche at
Wed Jan 11 14:44:00 EST 2006

Thanks, Ben. Work is occupying me day and night right now, so I  
haven't made a meeting in a while. This sounds like it was a good one!

Should we be posting these notes to the wiki, preserving for  
posterity our impressions of events? I can see a need to try to  
recall "some guy" showed "something about Plone" at some meeting in  
the last year, and wanting to search for the information.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

On Jan 10, 2006, at 9:38 PM, Ben Scott wrote:

>   I was able to attend the SLUG meeting last night (Mon 9 Jan 2006),
> in Durham, at UNH.  In keeping with Ted Roche's excellent work with
> providing notes on what happened at various meetings, I'd like to
> share my recollections from last night....
>   Tucker demonstrated the web linking feature.  Meow.


>   There was a bunch of other stuff, some of which just doesn't
> translate well into email, some of which I didn't understand, and some
> of which I just plain forgot.  But it was all very cool looking.
>   Good job, Rob!

Bravo, rob! And Thanks, Ben!

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