extract string from filename

Jeff Kinz jkinz at kinz.org
Fri Jan 13 11:55:01 EST 2006

On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 11:40:26AM -0500, Zhao Peng wrote:
> Kevin,
> Thank you very much! I really appreciate it.
> I like your "find" approach, it's simple and easy to understand.
> I'll also try to understand your perl approach, when I got time to start 
> learning it. (Hopefully it won't be un-fulfilled forever)
> I have one more question:
> Is it possible to number the extracted string2?
> Say, the output file contains the following list of extracted string2:
> st
> region
> local
> Any idea about what command to use to number the list  to make it look 
> like below:
> 1 st
> 2 region
> 3 local

Pipe the output into "pr -n -T"

This is not pr's intended use, but it will work.  -n option means "put
numbers on the lines, -T option means "No page breaks".

The "-n" option appears to be missing from the FC2 man pages.

Jeff Kinz, Emergent Research, Hudson, MA.
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