Paul Lussier p.lussier at
Thu Apr 26 21:24:23 EDT 2007

Dan Jenkins <dan at> writes:

> 'Tis difficult still to forget the first fumbling semi-failures
> that have since matured into reliable products. Whatever we have been
> burnt with in the past, makes us twice-shy to try it again in the
> present; ofttimes costing us the benefit of the improved products. My
> business partner and I will frequently debate what brands to use, each
> of us having radically differing views depending on where in the
> product development cycle we first experienced them.

The inverse is also true:

     Brands/Manufacturers which we've always loved because they've
     historically built great products we sometimes have a hard time
     believing are the cause of problems.

I've been a huge fan of Netgear since the very beginning. They've been
supporting Linux since the first Tulip chip-based NIC they build back
int he day.  Recently I had to face the reality that one of their
switches was causing a problem, not the SMC I was convinced was the
culprit.  Not to mention, the history of problems I've experienced
with SMC makes me quick to blame them and quite hesitant to purchase
from them (despite my VPs love of their stuff, good price/port for
GigE switches).


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