DHCP question: dhclient won't request same IP.

Scott Garman sgarman at iname.com
Thu Feb 1 10:10:38 EST 2007

Dave Johnson wrote:
> It appears the client is sending a DHCPDISCOVER while still using the
> old address (the server can ping it).
> For a renewal of an existing lease the client should first send a
> ignored/lost should it send a DHCPDISCOVER in an attempt to find a new
> lease.
> The server is doing the right thing in this case.  If the server
> recieved a DHCPREQUEST first it would extend the existing lease.

Hi Dave,

Running dhclient manually on the client confirmed this very behavior. I
guess dhcp-client v2 (which Debian Stable comes with by default) simply
doesn't follow the standard correctly. Or perhaps it's so old the
standard was still in flux at the time it was written. :)

I also made the false assumption that dhcp3-client was only available in
Debian Unstable or Testing. It's actually just an apt-get away, as you
noted in another e-mail.

The system in question is now running dhcp3-client and I believe this
will fix the problem.

Thank you very much!


Scott Garman
sgarman at iname dot com

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