Why are still not at 64 bits [was Can't figure out Firefox

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Thu Feb 15 09:52:58 EST 2007

Paul Lussier wrote:
> "Ken D'Ambrosio" <ken at jots.org> writes:
>> 1) 32-bit is "good enough," since the single largest impact it'll have on
>> most applications at this particular time is simply address space... and
>> most people are content with <4 GB at this particular juncture.
> My question is "Why has this remained so for so long?" There's this
> theory of "Build it and they will come".  We see this in so many other
> market segments, why not here?  For example, buy a new file server
> today with 1TB of useable space, doubling the amount of space you
> already have, and within 6 months to a year, it'll be full.

Some thoughts on this topic by Eric Raymond here, in the broader context 
of "What will be the dominant 64-bit OS":


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