Meeting Report -Nashua, 15 Feb - Protecting the Internet from a Windows server

Ben Scott dragonhawk at
Mon Feb 19 23:04:14 EST 2007

Hello world!

  Last week's MerriLUG (Nashua) meeting featured Llyod Kvam, giving
his presentation, "Protecting the Internet from a Windows server".  He
described how he went about dealing with firewall security, when you
not only have to protect from outside attack, but also a compromised
Windows server which could not be properly corrected.  As if that
wasn't hard enough, he also did it using nothing more than a $49
LinkSys WRT54G and some custom firmware.  Llyod touched on everything
from firewall concepts to installation and configuration of the box.

  His detailed slides are now available online:

  Llyod's talk was interesting and informative, and I'm glad I was
able to make it.  In total, 28 people were there.

  Next month's MerriLUG meeting is scheduled for Thr 15 Mar 2007.
Matt Brodeur will be presenting on OpenPGP and GPG (GNU Privacy
Guard), a crypto-system standard, and free implementation of same.
GPG lets you send and receive private, authenticated email and files.
A key signing will follow the presentation.  Details to follow.

-- Ben

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