CD/DVD writer woes

Ben Scott dragonhawk at
Wed Jan 17 21:47:11 EST 2007

On 1/17/07, Paul Lussier <p.lussier at> wrote:
> Has anyone else had problems with the newer versions of cdrecord (aka:
> wodim) ?

  Yes.  But they were the same problems as I had before.  :)

> An older version of cdrecord sees both drives, but can't write to it ...

  So what does it being a newer version of cdrecord/wodim have to do
with the problem?

  Not being a smart-ass; trying to understand the problem.

  If it did work, do you still have a copy of that software (when it
worked) around that you could test with?  If not, do you remember what
version worked?

> $ sudo cdrecord dev=1,4,0 -dummy speed=52 edubuntu-6.10-install-i386.iso

  What does 1,4,0 equate to.  You mentioned one is SCSI; which is
what, and what's the other one attached via?  If ATA/IDE, are you
using "native" support, or ide-scsi?  Either way, try switching to the
other one.

> Device seems to be: Philips CDD-2000.

  Holy crap, is that accurate?  Are you sure it hasn't just died of
old age?  :-)

  If it's *not* accurate, try forcing the appropriate cdrecord driver.
 I forget the details, but I'm sure the man page remembers.

-- Ben

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