Xeon 64-bit?

Paul Lussier p.lussier at comcast.net
Mon Jul 9 14:18:09 EDT 2007

klussier at comcast.net writes:

> It may be unified with options in the kernel config. I was looking
> through the package archives, and I'm not seeing any kernels listed
> as em64. I see plenty that are amd64, though. I'm downloading the
> kernel source now to see what the configuration options are.

I just found these:

  $ apt-cache search em64                 

  kernel-image-2.6-em64t-p4 - Linux kernel image for version 2.6 on \
  Intel EM64T systems - transition package
  kernel-image-2.6-em64t-p4-smp - Linux kernel image for version 2.6\
  on Intel EM64T SMP systems - transition package


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