scp over existing ssh tunnels?

Paul Lussier p.lussier at
Mon Jul 30 09:34:15 EDT 2007

Hi all,

This *ought* to be something I know how to do, but for some reason
it's completely escaping me.

I have an existing ssh tunnel between ethics-gradient(eg), my desktop
at work, and taz, my home server.  There's a file on taz I need to get
to eg.

I could just scp it directly, but that opens up another connection.
The goal is to re-use the existing connection.  In my config file, I

 host *
   ControlMaster yes
   ControlPath /tmp/%r@%h:%p

This allows me to then do:

  ssh -S /tmp/pll at taz:22

which is, by the way, superfast, and avoids any re-authentication (and
since I use OTP for ssh'ing to my home system, it's very nice :)

I *thought* I could use scp in this manner, but -S for ssh is
different from -S for scp.

Doing something like:

 (ssh -S /tmp/pll at pll@taz:22 cat /tmp/foo)  > /tmp/foo

seems kind of silly.

Having been near nothing more technologically advanced than a kayak
paddle for the past two weeks seems to have turned my brain to mush,
so I'm assuming there's something obvious I'm missing.

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