VPN recommendations?

Ted Roche tedroche at tedroche.com
Thu Jun 28 15:45:33 EDT 2007

A client of mine, Windows-centric,computer-phobic (or at least not
-friendly) just wants to be able to access his office network from his
home, whatever magick that requires. The office is on DSL, static IP,
simple network router/firewall, NAT, Windows workgroup, home is also
DSL, likely dynamic IP with a consumer-grade NAT router/firewall. His
needs are basic Windows SMB sharing, web browsing intranet servers.
Email is likely to be handled via an offsite server, so shouldn't play
into this request.

I saw Ken's great presentation of OpenVPN at MerriLUG a while ago, and
that's my first inclination. Sounds simple, no major flaws, Windows
client, easy enough to implement...

Has anyone got recommendations other than the OpenVPN Ken showed off,
horror stories, great experiences?

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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