a question about GREP

Jerry greenmt at gmail.com
Fri Mar 23 15:41:03 EDT 2007


The manual of "grep" command on Red Hat states that:

 -R, -r, --recursive
             read all files in each directory, recursively, this is
equivalent to -d recurse option

      --*include*=PATTERN     recurse in directories only searching file
matching PATTERN
      --exclude=PATTERN     recurse in directories skip file matching

For the --include or --exclude option, what is "file matching PATTERN"
supposed to mean? I supposed it means "file name" match PATTERN, not "file
content" match patten, am I right?

I'm asking this question, because I'm trying to do the following thing:

Find out all plain text files whose file names contain "out" and whose
contents containing "zip" (in the form of whole word),  and then output
these files names to a file called zip.txt. (These plain text files are
located in the sub-directories at different levels)

I tried the following 2 lines of commands to try to achieve the goal above,
but neither worked. Anyone cares to spot the error? I suspect most likely
it's because my usage/understanding of --include option is wrong.

grep -Hwli -r --include=out "zip" *  > zip.txt

grep -Hwli --include=out "zip" * > zip.txt

Sorry if this question sounds stupid.

Thank you for your time.

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