Why we can't record our TV shows (was: In case you have not seen it.....Linux Media Center)

Seth Cohn sethcohn at gnuhampshire.org
Mon Mar 26 18:59:10 EDT 2007

> I note you posted a link to
> a comment in a blog which is a link to a different blog entry which is
> a link that results in an HTTP 404 error.

heheh, I didn't notice the 404 error.  Ok, citing a 404 page is pretty
poor as a defense.  "Never mind" in my best Emily Latella voice

> You were asked not to bring up
> details of practicing copyright violation, and in response you posted
> a link to a site that specializes in same.

Actually, I posted a link to an rss feed, as an example of how a list
sorting duplicate handling problem was handled in one case.  But
potato, potato.  It wasn't my intention to do more than answer a
specific raised question about that problem, and if I offended and
upset you, I do apologize for it.


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