Ignoring threads in Thunderbird?

Ted Roche tedroche at tedroche.com
Wed Mar 28 09:18:30 EDT 2007

I've got Thunderbird installed on an FC6 laptop as my primary
mail client, this week. I'm trying to figure out if there is a feature
for ignoring threads, and haven't had a lot of luck. Searching for "How
do I ignore threads?" in the online Thunderbird help isn't helpful.

On the View menu, under the Threads submenu, there's a checkbox for
"Ignored" - I read that as a binary switch to display or hide threads
flagged as ignored. However, I haven't found another clue anywhere in
the UI on how to flag the threads as ignored or not.

Anyone else figured this out?

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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