tftp config problem (ltsp)

sean tech.junk at
Tue Nov 6 10:33:25 EST 2007

Paul Lussier wrote:

> Blindly killing/restarting things is not likely to help.  Rather, it's
> more likely to cause problems.  Be deliberate and precise in what you
> do, don't flail blindly, you'll knock something over or poke someone's
> eye out.  And, as you know, it's all fun and games until someone loses
> an eye!

Thanks Paul.

	I only killed a few things if I knew, or thought I knew what it should 
be doing. TFTP is working.

I have had a bit more success but still not over the summit.
Specifying in dhcpd.conf a certain setting for filename yields different 

In my dhcpd.conf file if I set
filename "/pxe/prelinux.0"; the client will start the boot process.
After the DHCP output the screen will display

"TFTP prefix" /pxe/"

Then a series of lines stating Trying to load" pxelinux.cfg/"filename"
finally trying "default" in the end.
After this point I get

Could not find kernel image: linux

I know from reading the docs that this should mean the kernel is not in
the expected place.
In /tftpboot/lts I have either "bzImage-" or

I thought tftpboot/lts was the proper location?

The default file is located in /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg

prompt 0
label linux
    kernel vmlinuz-
    append rw root=/dev/ram0 initrd=initramfs.gz

I have also tried the bz file as well. Same results.
I can only boot this far if I have filename "/pxe/pxelinux.0"; set in
dhcpd.conf .

#General Options
default-lease-time                      21600;
max-lease-time                          21620;
ddns-update-style                       ad-hoc;
use-host-decl-names                     on;

#Boot Options
allow booting;
allow bootp;

#Network Options
option subnet-mask            ;
option broadcast-address      ;
option domain-name                      "";
option domain-name-servers    ;
option log-servers            ;
option routers                ;

#LTSP Path Options
option root-path                        "";
#filename                               "/lts/vmlinuz-";
filename                                "/pxe/pxelinux.0";
next-server                   ;

shared-network WORKSTATIONS
          subnet netmask
                  range dynamic-bootp;

If I set filename to the vm or bz image mentioned earlier, I will get 
the "NBP is to large" error.
So far no idea how to cure this problem.


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