Apache2 conundrum

Ted Roche tedroche at tedroche.com
Wed Dec 17 11:14:06 EST 2008

Drew Van Zandt wrote:
> I'm not quite sure what to google on this one...
> One of my sites recently stopped working.  (Probably when I upgraded php
> or apache2.)  The symptom is that the site works just fine if I go to
> http://sitename.org/index.php
> But if I just go to http://sitename.org/ it sends me the raw,
> unprocessed php file.
> There are no other index.* files in the directory.
> Any ideas, or suggestions on what to google?

Do you have a command in the .conf file for ServerAlias like:

<VirtualHost aa.bb.cc.dd:80>
  ServerName www.sitename.org
  ServerAlias sitename.org

If NameVirtualHost is enabled and Apache can't match the host name
exactly to either a ServerName or a ServerAlias, it's a bit
unpredictable which conf file it will use. In RedHat/CentOS, Apache uses
the first, alphabetical, configuration file it finds in conf.d if there
are multiple files there.


Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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