C complex number usage

Michael ODonnell michael.odonnell at comcast.net
Sun Jan 6 18:06:08 EST 2008

JerryF wrote:
>There is a bug in your code:
>c = (a,b);  // form the complex number
>This is not initialzing c. It is assigning a to c.

Oh.  Duh.  He's right.

Some variations:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <complex>
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    double a, b;

    a = 1.1;    // a is the real part
    b = 2.2;    // b is the imaginary part
    complex<double> c(a, b);
    //    c = (a,b);  // form the complex number
    cout << "C: " << c << "\n";

    complex<double>  d;
    d.real() = 11.11;
    d.imag() = 12.12;
    cout << "D: " << d << "\n";

    complex<double> *e;
    e = new complex<double> (21.21, 22.22);
    cout << "E: " << *e << "\n";

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

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