gcc linking / libtools / building stuff

Thomas Charron twaffle at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 09:00:02 EST 2008

On Jan 16, 2008 10:38 PM, Dave Johnson <dave-gnhlug-list at davej.org> wrote:
> Bruce Labitt writes:
> > So I tried to just build it from the command line and this is what I got.
> > So what does all that mean???  The program did compile and link using
> > Dev-C++ (gcc) on windoze.  It looks like it can't find iostream ?  I
> > have that included in main_tb_fftw.
> > Thanks!
> Add '-lstdc++'.
> Might also be more correct to invoke 'g++' instaed of 'gcc'.  gcc will
> pick up on the language by the filename extension, but if you did
> compile and link on two different commands, you'd need to invoke g++
> for the link stage instead of gcc.

  gcc does not link in the standard c++ library, libstdc++, or the c++
runtime library. g++ will link these in without requiring it be
specified..  Basically, what you said, but with more info.  :-D

-- Thomas

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