prolonging the emacs discussion

pll at pll at
Wed Nov 20 12:17:11 EST 2002

In a message dated: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 12:00:28 EST
Jason Stephenson said:

>The following two lines in my .emacs file turn off the creation of the 
>automatic backup files (those with # before and after the name) and the 
>regular backup files (those whose names end with ~).
>(setq auto-save-interval 0)
>(setq make-backup-files nil)

Hmmm, I think I interpreted the OP's request differently, possibly 
incorrectly.  It seems there might be more than one cat to skin here.

I have	(setq version-control t) in my .emacs file, which turns on 
basic version control above and beyond what I think the 
make-backup-files variable controls.

I end up with multiple versions of a file of the form:

	filename.~<number>~ e.g. foo.~1~, foo.~2~, ...

I was interpreting the OP from the perspective that he had a similar 
setup, and wished to collect all these files in one directory.
I was unaware of the make-backup-files variable, which seems to 
simply create a single backup file when the original is edited.

Can the OP (Erik?) clarify exactly the current state you're in?  Are 
you currently using make-backup-files or version-control?
(or do you have no idea :)

	It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

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