Where'd they go ?

Paul Lussier p.lussier at comcast.net
Mon Nov 28 22:15:01 EST 2005

Greg Rundlett <greg.rundlett at gmail.com> writes:

> Not a scientific method, but if you are running X and start a GUI
> application from a shell, it will launch in a graphical window if it
> is indeed a graphical program.  For example, if you type
> /usr/bin/firefox, up will spring a browser window.  If instead the
> application is a curses based or text based application, it will run
> in the shell.

Heh, for a second there, I thought you were going to mention a
curses-based firefox...  Hmm, that's not a bad idea, I should write a
shell script to discern my environment, figure out if DISPLAY is set,
if not, check the value of TERM, and either launch
(firefox|galeon|mozilla), or, depending upon TERM, launch either w3m
or lynx (w3m if I'm in emacs, lynx otherwise. :)



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