1&1 dedicated servers

Ben Scott dragonhawk at gmail.com
Sat Oct 22 14:40:01 EDT 2005

On 10/22/05, Greg Rundlett <greg.rundlett at gmail.com> wrote:
>  A hosting customer should be able to initiate a cancellation
> from within their private customer control center and have it
> processed e-lectronicly; no?

  I can't speak to the trustworthiness of 1&1, as I know nothing about
them.  But I can speak to this.  Requiring some kind of written
signature or such for cancellation can be a good idea.  Make it too
easy, and it's possible for others to cancel your account against your
will.  As someone who has seen that happen (not to me, to a customer),
I can say it's messy, and by the time you get everything sorted out,
your own customers may have gone somewhere else.

-- Ben "Your provider says your account was canceled at your request" Scott

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