fc5 amanda recovery and selinux

Python python at venix.com
Tue Jun 6 19:35:01 EDT 2006

I managed to foul up my fedora 5 laptop and reloaded files from last
night's backup (Used amanda's amrecover).  After this I could no longer
login.  I booted the Fedora DVD in rescue mode and changed /etc/inittab
to default to runlevel 1.

Among other things I tried rpm --verify against packages such as pam,
many of which reported
........C <NOTE 8 periods then C>
Reading man rpm only the 8 periods were documented.  I believe the C is
actually reporting an selinux grumble, but I have not confirmed that

Some googling got me to try booting with selinux=no (Better advice, that
I found later is enforcing=0).  This allowed me to login.  Further
googling turned up:
	touch /.autorelabel
which tells selinux to relabel the file system.  This took a while, but
appears to have removed the C's from the rpm --verify reports.
(Googling turned up some comments about Context verification.)

I have returned the inittab default runtime to 5 and am once again
booting with selinux enforcing.  Things appear to be OK.  Hopefully,
this can save someone else grief should they hit a similar issue.

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

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