troubleshot the cranking ActionTec DSL modem

Ben Scott dragonhawk at
Mon May 8 11:28:00 EDT 2006

On 5/8/06, Larry Cook <lcook at> wrote:
> Ted Roche wrote:
>> Ben Scott troubleshot the cranking ActionTec DSL modem that didn't
>> want to let traffic through and - PRESTO! - we have an internet
>> connection.
> I was curious to learn about the ActionTec DSL modem problem and
> solution.  I also have an ActionTec would like to know about the problem
> and solution in case I every run into the same problem.


  ActionTec provides a "Firewall" feature, with settings of "High",
"Medium", "Low", and "Off".  This setting affects *outbound* traffic
only.  Incoming traffic is always firewalled.  With a setting of
anything less than "Off", some outbound traffic is blocked.  With a
setting of "Medium" or higher, *everything* is blocked except for DNS
proxy (on the modem) and HTTP (TCP port 80).  Many people and/or ISPs
set the firewall to "Medium", thinking that sounds reasonable.  Then
they (or their sys admin) wonder why things like IM, SSH, VPN, etc.,
will not work.

  Ted neglected to mention that between me, Bill, Matt, and Mike all
fiddling with the modem's web UI at once, we managed to get it so
screwed up that we needed to phone Ted (probably in the middle of
dinner) to power cycle him modem, and even then, his website was
impaired.  Even after all that, Ted still let us use it!  He's either
a saint or a glutton for punishment.  ;-)

-- Ben

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