troubleshot the cranking ActionTec DSL modem

Ted Roche tedroche at
Mon May 8 11:55:01 EDT 2006

On May 8, 2006, at 11:27 AM, Ben Scott wrote:

>  ActionTec provides a "Firewall" feature, with settings of "High",
> "Medium", "Low", and "Off".  This setting affects *outbound* traffic
> only.  Incoming traffic is always firewalled.

FYI: more data. The firewall setting seems to also affect *Inbound*  
ports. I had http (80) and ftp (22?) working fine, but was unable to  
get ssh (80xx) and webmin/https (100xx) working. Once we reset the  
router, they magically started to work. (I had done the "Save and  
Reset" after setting up the port forwarding.)

>  Ted neglected to mention that between me, Bill, Matt, and Mike all
> fiddling with the modem's web UI at once, we managed to get it so
> screwed up that we needed to phone Ted (probably in the middle of
> dinner) to power cycle him modem, and even then, his website was
> impaired.

Not a big deal. I have a website visited by a few dozen people a  
week. If it's down on Friday night, people ought to be doing  
something more useful anyway.

And now it even works better!

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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