GNHLUG web site / wiki - suggestions wanted

Greg Rundlett greg.rundlett at
Sun Aug 12 12:48:49 EDT 2007

I'm  a proponent of using mediawiki as a wiki engine, and there are
many features that I use on such as source code
highlighting that are obviously useful for a technical audience.
(Source code highlighting is provided through an extension that
integrates GeSHi)

I'm also a proponent of Drupal for content management, including
blogs, events and calendars.  Because Drupal is an extensible content
management system, you can make the homepage contain all sorts of
"static" and dynamic content.  The content can be presented in a
variety of 'views' (e.g. page, teaser, list) -- meeting any
information architects' requirements.

I've used the (excellent) Serendipity application for blogging, but
now that I've tasted blogging in Drupal, there really isn't much
argument for using a separate blogging engine.  s9y has merits, it's
just not likely worth the extra effort.

There are already ways to integrate mediawiki and Drupal (at the user
account level) -- something that I'm actively pursuing so I can likely
add more to the conversation.

A couple additional salient points about Drupal.  The groups system would be good for GNHLUG BOF, or even
chapters.  By default, the Drupal system allows you to run multiple
sites off a single installation so chapter sites could leverage a
common infrastructure without losing any control at the chapter level.

So, in a nutshell, I'd recommend Drupal, with a mediawiki installation
as the wiki engine and user integration (possibly using OpenID)

-- Greg

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