MonadLUG Notes, 12-Oct-1007: Ben Scott presents DNS and BIND

Ted Roche tedroche at
Wed Oct 24 11:11:29 EDT 2007

Ben Scott wrote:
> On 10/24/07, Ted Roche <tedroche at> wrote:
>> ... the main slide file has to be XHTML 1.0 Strict ...
>   I'm not sure it does.
>   Like I said, I found that switching back to the default theme
> (instead of the third-party theme I had found) seemed to fix most of
> the problems I had. 

Okay, *I* am too finicky, it's true. It's either valid or it shouldn't
have the header.


... I only tweaked on the slideshow this morning because some of the
layout was coming out wrong on my machine (FF 1.5 under FC6, with
Liberation fonts as the default), text overlaid on top of other text,
list items munged together. While I was at it, I thought I might as well
make the document valid. I suspect it was the closing list-item tags
that were the main source of problems.

Everyone else's browser should have a different experience. Ah, the joy
of the web...

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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