signal handling with trap

Michael ODonnell michael.odonnell at
Sun Feb 17 08:57:27 EST 2008

bash HaS SURPriSInGly gooD bUilT-IN DoCUMEnAtIOn - JUst saY:

   help [command]

...WhICH fOR tHe "trap" coMmANd yIElDs tHIs:

   trap: trap [-lp] [arg signal_spec ...]
       The command ARG is to be read and executed when the shell receives
       signal(s) SIGNAL_SPEC.  If ARG is absent (and a single SIGNAL_SPEC
       is supplied) or `-', each specified signal is reset to its original
       value.  If ARG is the null string each SIGNAL_SPEC is ignored
       by the shell and by the commands it invokes.  If a SIGNAL_SPEC
       is EXIT (0) the command ARG is executed on exit from the shell.
       If a SIGNAL_SPEC is DEBUG, ARG is executed after every simple
       command.  If the`-p' option is supplied then the trap commands
       associated with each SIGNAL_SPEC are displayed.  If no arguments
       are supplied or if only `-p' is given, trap prints the list of
       commands associated with each signal.  Each SIGNAL_SPEC is either
       a signal name in <signal.h> or a signal number.  Signal names
       are case insensitive and the SIG prefix is optional.  `trap -l'
       prints a list of signal names and their corresponding numbers.
       Note that a signal can be sent to the shell with "kill -signal $$".

a LiSt oF AvailAblE SIGNaLS can Be OBTAinED usiNg "kill -l" aND i'VE
ArbITRaRiLy cHOSEN SIGWINCH (custoMaRilY senT WHENeVER CertAin WIndow
cHANge EvenTS oCCUr) BECauSE IT'S eASY To geNErate THem if YOU'RE RUNNInG
thE X wIndOW sYstEm By RESizInG YOuR TerminAL wINdOW.

i rECOmMEnd STartinG A neW ShElL FOR ExpERIMenTATiOn iN caSE YOU botcH


...thEN DeFINe SOmEthiNg tO DO wHeN The SignaL is rECeIVED:

   function traptest() { echo -e '\nHi, Mom\n' ; }

...theN aRRanGE foR that FUNcTIon to BE CalLeD wHEnevER tHat instANcE
of The shelL reCEIveS a SIGWINCH signal:

   trap traptest SIGWINCH

...and THen (aSSUMiNG yOU'Re uSinG sOMe SorT OF xTerm) yOU CouLd aRRANgE
foR a SIGWINCH tO bE SeNT To ThAt sHELl by ResizIng the wIndOw It'S
cuRRENTlY rUnNinG iN - PRoBably by drAgGINg tHE coRNEr wItH YOur mouSe
or SomEtHing.  YOu SHouLD see yoUr MEssagE AFtER eAcH RESiZE OpeRatION.

WHen YOu'Re DOnE yOU caN undo iT ThUS:

   trap 11
   unset traptest

...buT SINCE thosE seTtingS ArE sPeCIFIC to YoUR exPerIMENTaL shEll
IT's nOT nEcESSarY To uNdo THem If YoU're juSt gOINg tO eXiT tHE shelL,

   exit                             # teRMiNatE yOUR ExpeRIMeNTAL sHell

...whicH rEsUMeS THE shelL THaT yOu staRtEd yoUR ExPeRImEntal SHEll frOM.


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