[GNHLUG] [DLSLUG-Announce] DLSLUG Podcast Now Available

Ted Roche tedroche at tedroche.com
Mon Feb 18 18:09:03 EST 2008

Bill McGonigle wrote:

>>> I'm still looking for some open source software that has a  
>>> compressor which can operate on
>>> an audio file based on a moving window, rather than the whole file.

Have you tried The Levelator?


> Ah, good point.  I did one of the CC licenses last go around.  I'll  
> pull that out and add it to the template.  I guess as-is, it's Berne- 
> convention'ed, so you violated copyright law by downloading it. ;)

Yeah, but you DMCA'd by uploading it to your server ;)

> Good idea, this can be roughly canned too and strung together with  
> sox or something.  I'm sure it's tremendously obvious, but I'm trying  
> to make this not a major chore for me, so each little bit of canned  
> piece or automated script makes it that much more likely that it'll  
> actually get done.  And hopefully we can then `cp -a` for other  
> LUG's.  I've got a decent-sized patch to send back to podcastamatic,  
> e.g.

That's exactly what we want. The volunteer docks their recorder at the 
end of the night, hits the big "Post It" button, gets prompted to record 
30-seconds on what the podcast is about, and presto! It's a cast!

> To answer another question I got, this was a Nady-brand wireless mic  
> that I picked up from DAK Industries.

Good to know, thanks!

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