Repetitive strain injury (was: ThinkPad Pointers)

Bill McGonigle bill at
Thu Jan 17 01:12:52 EST 2008

On Jan 15, 2008, at 16:21, Ben Scott wrote:

>  You likely mean RSI (repetitive strain injury), also called CTD
> (cumulative trauma disorder) or RMD (repetitive motion disorder).
> That issue is a lot bigger and a lot muddier.

Ah, yes, thanks for the correction and the links.

>   But current wisdom is,
> you want your wrists to be flat and supported, not raised *or*
> lowered.  Simply enough, avoid anything that puts a strain on your
> body repeatedly (whodathunkit?).

Hmm, that might be current wisdom, but people have been playing  
pianos and harpsichords for a few hundred years.  The motion is very  
similar to typing on a keyboard.  Heck, it's more complex and  
demanding of the small human parts (I still want my chording input  
method though!).

> Holding your hands in the air above
> the keyboard is a strain.

It certainly requires the use of muscles - not sure if that's called  
'strain'.  Just a little experimentation here shows me that typing  
with 'hands up' uses my traps, delts, triceps, and a bit of biceps.   
Then trying with 'wrists down' relaxes those muscles but puts a lot  
more demand on the small muscles in my forearm that are pulling on  
the tendons to my fingers (sorry no names, it's been 15+ years since  
I took anatomy, those neurons have been re-assigned).

One of the major principles of ergonomics is to move work from the  
small muscles to the large muscles, which the old-fashioned technique  
does.  Perhaps some combination of angled/curved keyboards, and  
sliding/articulated wrist and elbow rests allows for an even more  
optimal solution.  I'm reflexively skeptical when there are lots of  
things to buy.   Plus I can take my technique to an Internet cafe. :)

>  Take frequent breaks.
> Move your arms and wrists.  Get up and walk around.  Don't fall into
> harmful patterns.

Hrm, so my ADD keeps me from RSI, eh? ;)


Bill McGonigle, Owner           Work: 603.448.4440
BFC Computing, LLC              Home: 603.448.1668
bill at           Cell: 603.252.2606    Page: 603.442.1833

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