Spam-Filter-Free Options (Was: Computer repair shop)

Ben Scott dragonhawk at
Tue May 6 17:12:28 EDT 2008

On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 4:57 PM,  <VirginSnow at> wrote:
>  I'm quite interested to know how the gnhlug-* lists manage to be as
>  hammy as they are.

  Mail from non-subscribers is silently dropped by the list software.
Subscriptions are verified with a reply-back message.  So far, that
has kept the spammers out.

  We used to hold non-subscriber mail for manual review.  We got rid
of that maybe three or four years ago, when the hold queue started
consistently accumulating a few hundred spam messages per day.  I have
no idea what it is today -- prolly thousands.

  I'm waiting for the day when a spammer writes a script to subscribe
his spambot to Mailman lists.  Ugh.  Gives me indigestion just
thinking about it.

-- Ben

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