[OT] Terminal width (was: OpenOffice question)

Ted Roche tedroche at tedroche.com
Mon Apr 5 23:01:48 EDT 2010

On 04/05/2010 05:26 PM, Benjamin Scott wrote:
>  (Or maybe it does; hypothetical situations are
> tough to analyze.  :)  )
In theory, hypothetical situations are easy to analyze. In reality,...

> In that vein: WRT short text messages (SMS, microblogging, etc.), is
> there any reason to suppose 140 characters shouldn't remain the limit
> forever, even if the technology changes to allow more?  Maybe 30 years
> from now, "140 characters" will have a historical footnote mentioning
> the original SMS implementation, much like we footnote "80 columns"
> with a mention of IBM punched cards.
There is a wonderful essay that explains that modern railroad track
gauge is based on wagon wheel width, which in turn is based on the
tracks left by a horse team, which in turn harks back to the Roman's
hitching of pairs of horses. Hence railroad gauge is the width of two
horses' asses.

Snopes says nope,
but the thought is still worth a chuckle.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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