We need a better Internet in America

Benjamin Scott dragonhawk at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 10:04:18 EDT 2010

REMINDER DISCLAIMER: As always, unless explicitly stated otherwise, I
speak only for myself, and my messages contain only my personal

  Oh, and people might want to review this discussion from the last
time we had it:


  Started by same OP, with the same rhetoric, and with the same
complete lack of anything resembling a specific problem statement or a
proposed solution.  Four years later and still all people do is jump
up on a soap box and shout "The Internet wants to be free!"  Get in
line next to the guy with the sign about the end of the world being

  Just to be clear: I'm somewhat concerned about various issues,
including the fact that consumer telecommunications are mostly
provided by a small number of large companies.  But calling for
regulation with no clear statement on what the problem is (let alone
the solution) is a really bad idea.

-- Ben

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