OpenOffice KUDOs...

Carl Helmers carl at
Mon Mar 29 13:24:54 EDT 2010

Re open office Writer and web sites...

While I no longer live in NH  and Helmers Publishing Inc. in
Peterbnorough is long gone,   I  read and take advice/info
from the GNHLUG list every day.

This week's Open Office discussion sparks a few comments I have
regarding this excellent program...

I have used open office exclusively to create my representations of
my ideas and current commentary for my WWW site Carl Helmers' PC and 
etc. site <>
since I converted it to Joomla! in 2006 from an earlier crude "last 
page" attempt...

Turns out that OOWriter emits pretty good .html files which -- along
with associated .jpg  illustrations /FileZilla/  FTP to my site in one
directory per article then linked into its Joomla structure.  Examples 
of recent
articles I have written and published:

CH & Linux (Fedora 12) 2010 

Carl Helmers' Open Source Breakthrough 

Our Internet vs Murphy's Pine Tree 

The only serious problem I find in using OOWriter as my word processor
(shortly testing the latest just downloaded to my Zeus, my 2010 Linux box)
still exists in every release of the wordprocessor  I have used to 
date:  See my
comments in the article:

The bug is simple:   If you try to put a border around more than one
logical paragraph,  the result is a separate border around each 
paragraph... :-(

There are other occasional quirky very minor  gotchas that getcha,  but 
the HTML
output with embedded .jpgs  comes out very well...  see my site for many 
other examples...

...Carl Helmers
    carl at

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