[OT] All TV is bad?

Bill McGonigle bill at bfccomputing.com
Wed Jun 22 10:58:00 EDT 2005

On Jun 22, 2005, at 06:36, Puissante wrote:

> Is there some sort of "dumbbing down field" that kicks into effect 
> once a new
> channel goes on line? Or is it that they subcome to the usual "market 
> to the
> masses for ad dollars" forces?

Once they get successful they start to hire on "big-time" CxO's who are 
interested in the big business and don't much care about the product or 
the company philosophy (if there is one).  Quarterly revenues are 
mostly all that matter.  If the existing management makes a misstep 
it's too often not seen as a learning opportunity, but as 'time to 
bring in professional manangement'.  This is especially true if there 
are VC's involved or 'professional' boardmembers.   As they say, a 
business is run by a man, a corporation runs itself.  It doesn't take 
long before they stop caring how Thomas Wayne would have done things.

Bill McGonigle, Owner           Work: 603.448.4440
BFC Computing, LLC              Home: 603.448.1668
bill at bfccomputing.com           Mobile: 603.252.2606
http://www.bfccomputing.com/    Pager: 603.442.1833
AIM: wpmcgonigle                Text: bill+text at bfccomputing.com

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