UPSes - MinuteMan, others?

Ben Scott dragonhawk at
Thu Aug 10 00:03:03 EDT 2006

On 8/9/06, Bruce Dawson <jbd at> wrote:
> Beware! Not all inverters are the same - a lot are acoustically noisy
> (e.g. constant buzzing).

  As long as the electrical performance is up-to-par, I don't really
care if it makes noise.  That 100 HP electric motor I mentioned isn't
exactly quiet, either.  :-)

> You may want to consider building your own ...

  I have neither the time, nor the expertise, nor the desire to build
my own UPS.  :-)  I've got too much to do as it is, and what I'm
looking for is fairly basic stuff, I would hope.  Let someone else do
the hard work.

> I've investigated but haven't been satisfied with what I found.

  MinuteMan looks interesting.  The forum support looks promising.
They appear to regard their signalling protocols as proprietary,
though, which is a turn-off.  (It's a fscking serial cable, for
$DEITY's sake!  Stupid corporate goons.)

  I've also found, which has lots of
information, and looks impressive.  But they also look expensive, and
they don't publish prices.  And has some
interesting looking stuff
but information on software monitoring is non-existent, and likewise
any kind of support section.  You can contact them; that's about it.


-- Ben

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