Koolu as MythTV frontend suggestions

Ted Roche tedroche at tedroche.com
Wed Jan 30 09:10:35 EST 2008

Ben Scott wrote:
>> OTOH, it could provide some backend services (DNS, NTP, DHCP)
>> on it's off-hours, maybe even an inhouse LAMP server.
>   On the third hand, if you're already having issues with insufficient
> computrons, adding more load might be a bad idea.

Something on the idea of "mild-mannered office server by day, rebooted 
into a frontend for Mytv to watch Seinfeld, then spending third-shift 
doing the rsync-backups." All at a screaming 9 watts or so.

So different computrons for first-, second- and third-shifts, not 
necessarily more. Just an idea. They're cheap. And don't do much but add 
to the to-do list.

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